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Secondary School: Appropriate Reading and Writing Strategies

Summary Writing
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summary is condensed version of a larger reading. To write a summary, use your own words to express briefly the main idea and relevant details of the piece you have read. Do not give examples. All content area teachers should develop summary writing skills. Link reading to writing.

Building Technology Teachers Pay Attention to this passage on seasoning timber (Forms 4 and 5)     

                                                  Read and summarize the article below.

Low cost timber drying method for sawyers, merchants and other users

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Trees contain considerable amount of water, often referred to as sap. When a tree is cut down and sawn into timber the wood immediately begins to lose its moisture. The process of losing moisture from green timber can be very unpredictable due to variations in air temperature and humidity. Low temperature and high humidity slows the process of drying while high temperature and low humidity quickens it. When drying timber is exposed to a combination of the two conditions, the result is usually defects within the timber. A skilled saw miller or timber merchant could control the drying process to minimize such defects and enhance timber quality, a process referred to as seasoning. Seasoning aims to dry timber uniformly with minimum deformation in the shortest possible time to a moisture level similar to the surrounding air. This is called equilibrium moisture content (EMC). Seasoning is done by exposing timber to circulating air and controlled heat over a given period of time.

The most important reasons for seasoning timber are to:
Increase stability: In order to minimize dimensional changes, wood should be dried to the moisture content it will assume in use. The use of green timber in any construction can result in severe deformation as the timber dries.
Reduce inception of decay or stain fungi: Drying timber to a moisture content of less than 20%, or below fiber saturation point prevents the onset of decay and stain fungi.
Reduce weight: The weight of wood is reduced by about 35% or more when seasoned which is of practical importance as it reduces handling and transportation costs.
Increase strength: As the wood dries its stiffness, hardness and resistance to bending increases. Most species of wood increase their strength characteristics by 50% or more when seasoned to a moisture content of 15%.
Allow preservation treatment, gluing and finishing: In order to treat timber with some preservatives proper penetration is only achieved if the timber is dry. Similarly, the successful gluing or finishing of timber is dependent on timber being dry.
Published 2008: Githiomi, J. K. & Muthike G. M
Remember summary writing is not different for Building Technology. The rules remain the same, just give the gist or essence of the passage; no examples.

Other strategies                                

  • Set Comprehension Questions
  • What is sap? (2 marks) 
  • Why is the process of losing moisture unpredictable? (2 marks)
  • What does seasoning timber mean? (2 marks)         
  • Explain three (3) advantages of seasoning timber. (6 marks)                                      

  • Use K-W-L Charts (See Linking Reading and Writing & Reading to Learn) 
  • Use Cause-and-Effect Graphic Organizer (effects of seasoning timber)
  • Use a Rubric

  • Sketch to Capture a Picture of the Passage
  • Write a Book Report and Present in Class (stories or current events)
  • Write letters and Present in Class  (to a friend about the benefits of  tourism, nutrition, seasoning timber)
  • Give Scenarios and Ask Students to Respond in Writing
Home Economics Teachers
Youths work in small groups to respond to one of the following scenarios:
Image result for picture of a fat black teen boyCase 1 – Scott is a Grade 12 student who appears confident, and is often loud and boisterous. Scott enjoys online gaming and spends most of his time in front of the computer. His mom works evenings, so he and his brother make their own suppers. Snack foods, such as chips, chocolate bars, and desserts, are part of his daily food intake. He eats a lot of fast foods and quickly prepared dinners. With graduation and the formal only three months away, Scott is concerned about his lifestyle, as he will be living on his own in the fall.

1. Is three months a realistic time frame for Scott to make changes before graduation day? Why or why not?
2. What are some suggestions you could give to Scott about his eating habits?
3. How could you encourage him to make healthier choices?
Image result for picture of a slim black girlCase 2 – Charmaine is a 15-year-old Grade 9 student. During lunch, Charmaine is looking through her social media account for the latest fashion trends. All the women in the fashion site photos look beautiful—their hair is perfect, their skin is smooth, and their bodies are tall and lean. Comparing herself to these women, Charmaine decides that her thighs and stomach are too big, so she vows to slim down by decreasing her food intake and keeping a vigorous routine of jogging, cycling, and crunches.
She begins by cutting breakfast down to a glass of juice. For lunch she treats herself to a chocolate cookie, and at dinner she eats a small portion of the food her mother prepares. After one week of these changes, Charmaine lacks energy and she’s constantly in a bad mood. She finds that it’s a real effort to do any kind of physical activity and she always feels cold.
  • How is her belief that she needs to control her shape affecting her eating/nutritional habits and physical activity patterns?
  • How are her eating habits affecting her physical activity and energy levels?
  • What healthy eating and lifestyle choices can you suggest for Charmaine?

Using Technology to Produce Informative Videos and Manuals 
Visual Arts Teachers
  • The teacher does not always have to repeat. The video can replay repeatedly. When the video is magnified on the big screen, it captivates students' attention.
  • Teachers can encourage students to make their own videos and write instruction manuals on how to make a floral wreath. The videos and manuals will be projected on the big screen. Students will read manuals from the screen. 
Role Play
Image result for Pictures of teenagers role playing
Role play allows students to:
  • practise and explore alternative solutions to situations outside the classroom. 
  • write their own scripts and examine each other's scripts before they role play.
  • take different perspectives on a situation, helping them to develop sensitivity and understanding by putting themselves in the shoes of others. 
An important phase in any role-playing activity is the follow-up. Debriefing after a role play allows students to analyse the role-play experience and the learning in the activity.
